TINT noun


A mixture of color with white to reduce the darkness

TINT is a space where art inspires connection.

We believe that art needs to be seen in person. Art is more than just an image on a screen — it’s an experience. In everything TINT does, it seeks to enhance that experience.

TINT showcases contemporary artists who innovate across media, spotlighting women artists in particular. We look for the unusual, the surprising, the unordinary. Our artists find unexpected ways to use common media, creating a craft of their own along the way.

We’re a new kind of gallery: there’s no intimidation, prices are always listed, and the process of acquiring art is made transparent and accessible. We’ve even created a seating area so you can linger and take in the art. Our goal is to connect to the local community, to provide a space for meaningful conversations, and to bring a feeling of warmth and welcome to an art gallery. 

TINT joined the San Francisco art community in October, 2021, and became an Associate Member of the San Francisco Arts Dealers Association (SFADA) in January, 2023.

Founder and curator Michelle Edelman is an art historian, stone sculptor, and lawyer. She holds an undergraduate degree from Northwestern University, an MA in art history from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, and a JD from The George Washington University. Michelle loves searching for undiscovered gems in the contemporary art world. She created TINT to share her finds, to celebrate artistic talent, and to cultivate community through art.

We look forward to seeing you in the gallery!